I write for the Spectator Coffee House, arguing that school choice decreases residential segregation whereas a proximity-based admissions system increases it. The evidence clearly shows that house prices increase around the best state schools when choice of school is tied to choice of residence, while other research finds a direct link between larger choice opportunities and decreased residential sorting. Choice always exist in the education system - since rich parents can move closer to the best state schools - and institutionalised school choice is necessary to ensure that all parents are given the same opportunities.
Gabriel Heller Sahlgren (also publishing as Gabriel Sahlgren) is a policy researcher focusing on topics relating to applied microeconomics, especially education policy. He is active in both the British and Swedish debate. Consequently, this blog contains material in both English and Swedish.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Friday, 25 October 2013
Nick Clegg is wrong: English schools should have more freedom not less
In City AM, I discuss Nick Clegg's proposal to force all free schools and academies to hire qualified teachers and follow the national curriculum. Hint: I don't like it.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
The teachers unions’ guild system must be abolished, not strengthened, Mr Clegg
In the Telegraph, I argue that the evidence doesn't support Nick Clegg's proposal to force all academies and free schools to hire qualified teachers. Instead, all publicly funded schools should be the given the freedom to do so.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Saturday, 5 October 2013
Skolvalet försämrar inte likvärdigheten
På SvD Brännpunkt svarar jag Daniel Suhonen och co som hävdar att skolvalet leder till lägre likvärdighet och segregation. Forskningen visar att skolval om något ökar likvärdigheten, medan det är oklart hur den påverkar skolsegregationen netto eftersom den även bidrar till lägre bostadssegregation. Det är dags för skolvalets motståndare att börja diskutera forskningen som inte stödjer deras tes.
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
"Stryk kravet på skolbibliotek helt"
På DN Debatt svarar jag Miljöpartiet gällande deras krav på bemannade skolbibliotek. Forskningen är alltför dålig för att utgöra grund för politiken. Den enda rigorösa studien finner ingen effekt alls av skolbibliotek (trots dedikerade bibliotekarier och relevant studiematerial) och faktiskt negativa effekter av besökande bibliotekarier.
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